The Return of the Demonic Squirrels
During the birthday celebration, the sky grew dark. The wind picked up. The TV satellite server went down. People ran for radios. Audrey ran to grab her purse that contained $85.00... and everyone huddled into the family room, gazing up at the skylight [which I happened to mentioned would be a great place to receive a jolt of lightning as it came crashing down through]... anyway... I degress.
I, on the other hand, went outside....and I instantly got that eerie feeling that something or someone was watching me. I gazed up... and there it was.... that possessed little squirrel with the glowing orange eyes... but this time... he brought all his hell-bound friends.
To an undiscerning eye... you might not noticed them. They try to blend in with the background. They pose as tree branches and statutes and gravel... but look closely... their hellish nature is slowly revealed.
And whatever you do...
Never... and I mean Never... turn your back on them!!
I, on the other hand, went outside....and I instantly got that eerie feeling that something or someone was watching me. I gazed up... and there it was.... that possessed little squirrel with the glowing orange eyes... but this time... he brought all his hell-bound friends.
To an undiscerning eye... you might not noticed them. They try to blend in with the background. They pose as tree branches and statutes and gravel... but look closely... their hellish nature is slowly revealed.
And whatever you do...
Never... and I mean Never... turn your back on them!!
(I must confess, I call them tree rats.)