Halloween Treats
It's 12:30 on the morning of Halloween. I'm packaging up the treats I made for coworkers and friends.
I made traditional popcorn balls and placed them in green monster bags.
I also made a new recipe I discovered from a Martha Stewart show last week. It's call Sweet and Spicy Popcorn Crunch and can be found at this link: http://www.marthastewart.com/portal/site/mslo/menuitem.fc77a0dbc44dd1611e3bf410b5900aa0/?vgnextoid=83b7623d013d5110VgnVCM1000003d370a0aRCRD&autonomy_kw=popcorn%20crunch&rsc=ns2006_m1
I'm going to package the crunch in little skeleton head bags.
Then... it's off to bed. Night Night
I made traditional popcorn balls and placed them in green monster bags.
I also made a new recipe I discovered from a Martha Stewart show last week. It's call Sweet and Spicy Popcorn Crunch and can be found at this link: http://www.marthastewart.com/portal/site/mslo/menuitem.fc77a0dbc44dd1611e3bf410b5900aa0/?vgnextoid=83b7623d013d5110VgnVCM1000003d370a0aRCRD&autonomy_kw=popcorn%20crunch&rsc=ns2006_m1
I'm going to package the crunch in little skeleton head bags.
Then... it's off to bed. Night Night
Happy Halloween!