A Card from Little Miss Audrey

When Audrey arrived at my house yesterday afternoon, she gave me a birthday present, which I'll post later. She also made me this card:

The Front View:


She knows I love all things Asian.... she even went out and did a "google" search to figure out how to write Happy Birthday in Chinese:


It's about 4:35 a.m. I woke up hearing a weird sound. That sound was coming out of Audrey. I swear it sounds like she is grinding her teeth.


Melissa said…
YES..she grinds her teeth in her sleep. It's a horrible sound, I've talked with the dentist about it. She has a check up again next Monday, and I plan on telling the dentist about it again. If she keeps it up, she will have TMJ for sure.
Melinda said…
so cute on the card!

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