Ghostly Orbs.... or Sneeze Residue

I was taking pictures of my only baby... who will be 16 on August 27th. He got a few outfits today for the new school year. I was also talking on the phone... and I began sneezing.

When I saw the picture I was sort of freaked out when I saw the orbs. I mean... I don't want any ghosties. But then remembered I sneezed. I looked at my lens... and well... I had to wipe it clean.



Melinda said…
glad to hear you are home and better!
Melissa said…
His outfit looks really nice. Happy to hear that you are home! Glad it was snot on the lens....
Patty said…
Tell Alex nice outfit. I'm also very glad you're home. No orbs huh, just sneeze residue. LOL I don't know about you but this past week has been horrible for the sneezing, coughing, dripping eyes and nose, then the nose will stop up, I guess it's ragweed time.

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