Giving Thanks

This morning was hectic. I forgot to set my alarm and I needed to be at the Police Department before 10:00 a.m. I needed to get two sets of fingerprints to return to work. I also had to go to a lab to take a drug test (also for returning to work).

I returned home around 10:15 a.m. I had left the house around 7:50 a.m. So I was tired and sneezing (I didn't want to take any medicines this morning since I was taking a drug test). Anyway... when I started to go up the stairs I notice 4 little clumps hanging in front of the stair railing. I eased closer to look... and there was an intricate spiderweb attached from the stair railing to a blanket on the back of a chair.

I called "the hubby" down to look at it. The web was so intricate and so delicate I was amazed that a spider could create something so quickly. I mean I went to bed at 2:00 a.m.... and I certainly didn't see any spiderweb then

I tried to get a picture of it.... but it was so delicate it didn't really show up. So then I tried placing a dark folder behind it... but it still didn't really work. Quite possibly because I was shaking and looking around for a huge ass spider.


I couldn't tell if those were bugs he had captured during the night and wrapped up for a snack later, or if they were egg sacks. All I know is that the second lump was moving and so instead of saying "Hey little spider, thanks for catching those pesky bugs"... I grabbed a broom and swept the web and it's contents up and then took it outside and wiped it on the ground. I don't know if the thing moving was the spider... or a snack trying to get away.

So now... I can't even sit in that chair because I'm afraid there is a pissed off spider somewhere nearby.


Melinda said…
oh YEAH I am sure the spider is there waiting to come back for dinner! AND one building that type of webs are pretty good size.....I bet it is in the chair!!!
Patty said…
I wouldn't worry about it, unless you hear it's feet moving across the floor. He's probably more afraid of you then you are of him. Ask Melinda, she was finding all kind of spiders while moving stuff in her garage today.
Melissa said…
I'd be creeped out....
L said…
Wow that is absolutely amazing.

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