A Saturday in August

We had heavy thunderstorms last night. Lightning flashed against the sky and the thunder was loud and demanding. I opened the door to peer outside and the humidity was so heavy it just hung there in front of you. I quickly shut the door and gave thanks to "central air".

I must admit, I do enjoy falling to sleep when the lightning is flashing against the night and you catch glimpses of it through the blinds. And who doesn't love the sound of the rain as it slaps against the window?

Today everything looks a little greener and the humidity seems to be off visiting someone else. However... I know it will only be a short visit. It misses me too much.

Hope you are having a great Saturday... and you find something to smile about.


NOTE: This post reminded me of an incident when Alex was in 3rd grade. He wrote a little story for school and the teacher had marked the work "lightning" as being spelled incorrectly. I called the teacher to ask why she had circled it in red. "Because it's mispelled", she said. She said he forgot the "e". I cleared my throat and told her that "lightning" is often spelled incorrectly, especially when you include the "e". She grabbed a dictionary (you know she was one of those women that just had to be correct)(but then again, so am I). I heard pages furiously slapping against her fingers... and then the "aaaahhh".

Teacher didn't like being wrong. She never apologized to Alex (who was a student with an IEP at the time for reading and writing) and she never corrected the paper.

I told Alex that she was probably a wicked witch who cast spells on little children and coaxed them into ovens where she make them into tasty witchy treats.

Well.. I actually didn't say that. Probably something about her being like something that sounds like witch with a heavy "b" sound.


Patty said…
We didn't get one drop of rain. No lightning or thunder either.

I thought lightening meant when the baby dropped.

Have some green beans on cooking, a ham slice browning and an Indiana cantaloupe all cut up ready for lunch.

Love you guys.
Melinda said…
haha....Noah's teacher.....HIS ENGLISH teacher did the same thing MANY times in his class last year. She misspelled all sorts of words...and I shook my head...
Melissa said…
We had some storms come through last night, at least the lightning!
Melissa said…
OH, and I've caught many spelling mistakes by all of Audrey's teachers. Even using the word coz...instead of because. I did write the teacher about that one.
Unknown said…
I do understand about the mispelled words. I see it so many times in the newspaper. And I also notice incorrect grammar during the newscasts on TV. I guess they don't teach english in school anymore? I am from the old school of proper grammar.

Great post.

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