What I hate about Winter

After spending 2 1/2 hours digging your way from your parking spot on the street, you drive off and when you return... the tenant 2 doors down and probably 25 years younger has taken your spot.

This is boychild scraping ice off the car after the ice storm hit.


Patty said…
You need to ask the landlord about assigning spots, especially when you dig yourself out. That was pretty shitty on their part. I think I would have gone down and knocked at the door and asked them why they took your spot. I can't imagine what they do when you can't park off the street and the plows come through. Must be a mess. Hope Spring comes early. Love you guys.
Melissa said…
I dont' think they plow their streets!
Angie at Home said…
Oh they plow the streets... usually timing it to be plowed right after you dig yourself out... and then they throw all that wet loose snow back up against your tires. But it's almost February.... so hopefully not too many more snow storms... but we still have a lot of snow laying around.
Melinda said…
yes I am thankful I have a garage......I used to have problems like that at the condo in Colorado.....totally irritating!

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