A blonder me

If you know me well, you would know that about every 3 months... my hair color changes. Here's the latest version:

Yikes... at 53 I'm starting to get those old age spots on my arm... BooHoo


Anonymous said…
I always change beard/moustache. May be I am unable to see the same always in the mirror. I appreciate - The change.
And do not worry about old age spots because young do not have.
Cheers !!!
Anonymous said…
Not bad for a change. LOL

I do like the top color or blond color but it is hard to see the side -- how it looks.

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Patty said…
I like it. You just wanted to find out if it's true blonds have more fun, don't you?
Steph said…
So, do blonds have more fun?
It looks good though!
Melinda said…
I think you look great as a blond!
Anonymous said…
Yes, you DO look great as a blond.

Paz (who doesn't see any old age spots)
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