Day 1 - 28 Day Meditation Challenge

I discovered a new blog the other day. It's called: awake is good . The weird thing is I don't know how I ended up there... what series of clicks I used to get there... but when I got there I bookmarked the page... and then this morning I happened to look through my bookmarks and found it again. And today is the first day of the challenge that Jan is conducting. Merely coincidence? I don't think so.

So.. today I began. Being a newbie to meditation... I actually used a "chanting om" that I found at youtube. It was 6 1/2 minutes long...and I thought for my first day... it would be a great start.

I've been meaning to practice meditation on a daily basis... but something always seems to come up and the only time I meditate is when I attend my Shinnyo-en Buddhist service which is only one weekend a month in the Dayton area. And since I'm new to that group, and all the chanting is in Japanese, it has taken me some time to learn the chants, and then remember what chants I'm suppose to use at what time.

So I want to do daily meditation aside from what I'm learning in my Shinnyo-en group. I need to gain focus and a sense of quiet. As my mentor constantly tells me "be still and listen".

So thanks so much Jan for hosting this challenge. I look forward to this challenge and to discover new insights about myself and to meet some meditation buddies.


Oh, thank you new bloggie friend for the mention of the 28-Day Meditation Challenge at my blog. I am glad you are with us and that you are staying faithful to the process. Glad so many of us are journeying together. I am now going to click on this video you have here and sink into meditation once more. Om on! Blessings, Jan from Awake is

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