Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish to pay attention to?
What do you wish to pay attention to?
With Spring just around the corner, I wish to pay attention to the beauty that is Spring; the colors, the sounds, the smells and the enjoyment the little birds bring me as I watch them enjoy Spring.
I wish to pay more attention to my spiritual path. It is so easy for me to get sidetracked or take a step off the path or get completely turned around.
I wish to pay attention to each day and enjoy the sunrise and the sunset and to give thanks for still being here.
I wish to pay attention to love and peace and not get caught up with the media frenzy and newscasters that spin a tale of fear, anger and hatred. I choose to turn my attention to the stories never told on the 5:00 pm news.
I wish to pay attention to the ones I love. It's so easy to get busy during the day that at times I wonder if the ones I love even realize I love them?
I wish to pay attention to my inner child where the world is filled with wonderment and excitement and everything is a big adventure.
I wish to pay attention to time that is precious and always moving forward.
1. Three Elephants, Etosha National Park, Namibia, 2. Time is ticking. 31/52, 3. {Love On Her Arms - Explored}, 4. Peace & Love, 5. Lovers in Japan, 6. L, P and M, 7. Spring is pink, 8. follow the heart ~, 9. IMG_9045
With Spring just around the corner, I wish to pay attention to the beauty that is Spring; the colors, the sounds, the smells and the enjoyment the little birds bring me as I watch them enjoy Spring.
I wish to pay more attention to my spiritual path. It is so easy for me to get sidetracked or take a step off the path or get completely turned around.
I wish to pay attention to each day and enjoy the sunrise and the sunset and to give thanks for still being here.
I wish to pay attention to love and peace and not get caught up with the media frenzy and newscasters that spin a tale of fear, anger and hatred. I choose to turn my attention to the stories never told on the 5:00 pm news.
I wish to pay attention to the ones I love. It's so easy to get busy during the day that at times I wonder if the ones I love even realize I love them?
I wish to pay attention to my inner child where the world is filled with wonderment and excitement and everything is a big adventure.
I wish to pay attention to time that is precious and always moving forward.
1. Three Elephants, Etosha National Park, Namibia, 2. Time is ticking. 31/52, 3. {Love On Her Arms - Explored}, 4. Peace & Love, 5. Lovers in Japan, 6. L, P and M, 7. Spring is pink, 8. follow the heart ~, 9. IMG_9045
Please viist Jamie Ridler Studios to participate in Wishcasting Wednesday. You can find her here: http://jamieridlerstudios.ca/
as angie wishes for herself, so i wish for her also!
As Angie wishes for herself, so do I also wish for her with all my heart!
As Angie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
I think we will all be dancing a collective wild dance for Spring!