Full Moon Dreamboards: The Full Flower Moon

The inspiration Jamie Ridler suggested under the New Moon was to consider, “Who are you when you are in full flower? What exudes from your personality? What’s possible for full-flower you? What colours shine? What dreams flow freely? What pours out of your heart and into the world?”


The questions above were great. If I were in "full flower" I would practice greater self-love. I would eat fresh and nutrient-laden foods and shy away from white sugar, white carbs and Diet Coke. I would drink water, lots and lots of it. I would be in balance, knowing the right mix for spiritual, emotional and physical well-being.

If I were in "full flower" then every door would be an opportunity for adventure, a chance to spread my wings and excuses would vanish from my mind.

I guess for me "full flower" exudes blue which has always been a calming color for me.

On Tuesday at my prayer class, the instructor asked "do you tithe 10% of your 24- hour day to spiritual growth"? That statement sort of shocked me. 2.4 hours a day for spiritual growth? I'm pretty sure I blow more than that for TV, Facebook games, etc.

So starting June 1st (my birthday by the way) I'm going to challenge myself to this tithing challenge. I'll let you know how that goes. Perhaps you would like to take this challenge also.

Blessings to you... may you know you are loved.


Anonymous said…
Angie - I love your dream board and your thoughts on being in full flower. I so agree. Good luck with your tithing challenge. Cheers from Colorado!
Jamie Ridler said…
What a powerful dreamboard. When I arrived, I felt like I'd been walking along a busy street and then stepped into a space that took my breath away (or restored it) - a sacred, peaceful, radiant space.

May all of your dreams come true. I have a funny feeling the tithing practice will be part of that journey.

foxysue said…
Your blue and grey dreamboard is very calming and soothing to the eye. I like the idea of a spiritual 10% for the day too! Just the thing to promote balance I would think!

Peace and Blessings to you.
Charlotte said…
The words calming, cleansing and seeking out opportunities come to mind when viewing your moonboard, mesmirising :)

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