Full Buck Moon Dreamboard

It's time again to celebrate another full moon. This month's moon is the Full Buck Moon. Jamie states, "The moon is in Aquarius so we have an invitation to be expansive in our dreams, to let them reach far and wide, to touch the world around us, to share our hopes with humanity. And then the Full Buck moon invites us to take some action on our dreams, to assert our presence in the world, to take a stand and say, “Here I am! Here is what I’m dreaming!” Sharing your dreams here is a great way to start!" Please take a moment to pop on over to Jamie Ridler Studios to find out more about a full moon dreamboard.


My dreamboard slowly reveals itself to me. Every month a color seems to dominate. This month green has spoken. This color represents lushness, growth and abundance to me.

The Bottom Row: The image of the child feeding her grandmother really tore at me. I want to feed others physically and mentally. I want to write a book for children based on a spiritual tale.

The Middle Row: I love how the light reflects on the wall and represents how our light is revealed to others and reflected upon them. The image of the woman in her garden reveals my search to just be myself. And the flower represents how I need to open and unfold and stretch out to meet my destiny.

The Top Row: The moon shines down upon us, sharing it's light and joy and asking for nothing in return. The lamp shining down it's light providing a sense of comfort. And the flowers stretching so tall seeking the light.

I'm sure other thoughts will come to surface... but those are it at the moment. Below are the links to the images I found to create my dreamboard. Thanks so much!

1. Moon watch, 2. bedside, 3. Best Wishes, 4. my window at sunrise, 5. barbara & her garden, 6. Green Flower, 7. Girl Reading A Book, 8. Little Green Buddha, 9. Food of Love


May all your dreams come to you & THANK YOU for allowing us all to see your dreamboard!!!
Very powerful photos!!!
Patty said…
Beautiful, yes, I can see the green dominates. Good luck with writing a book. If you feel like it, do it and I bet Becky could illustrate the pages for you.
Beverley Baird said…
Love the mosaic you have created.
may all your dreams come true!
Helen said…
You chose really beautiful images. I love how fresh and rich the colors are. May all your dreams come true!
This is simply gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us.
Anonymous said…
I like that praying Buddha in green.
Anonymous said…
Lovely images, all.

Just stopping by to say hi. Happy Sunday and have a good week ahead.

Paz xoxo
I had a wonderful visit! Splendid photographs and words!

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