Full Corn Moon Dream Board
The Full Corn Moon is a beacon of light heralding in the harvest season, which I must say is my favorite time of year.
Jamie Ridler states, "This Full Moon is in Aries, a great time to start taking inspired action towards your dreams! Look at your dreamboard and consider, what is it inviting me to do? What actions can I take to honour what I see? This isn’t about ’shoulds’ or getting heavy with your dreams. It’s about bringing a spirit of action and adventure to them! You’ve created a board with what you want more of, so invite it in! It can be as easy as saying, “Yes, I will wear more red this month!” or “I will go for a brisk walk and enjoy the crisp air” or “I will take pictures of autumn leaves.” Embrace your dreams with love and action – and they will do the same with you!"
Since we had such a hot and humid summer I've been looking forward to Autumn's arrival. And now that it has arrived I don't want to overlook it or find myself in December wondering where Autumn went.
I want to take walks in Autumn's beauty, to smell the leaves, to hear the leaves crunch underfoot. I want to enjoy the colors of Autumn. It's in Autumn that I bake and share what I have baked with my friends. To be Autumn is a cozy, family and friend time, when we begin to get quiet, to reflect, to take stock... and I want to be awake to enjoy it.
I also want to be mindful of my spiritual journey and my journey back to health. In two weeks I'll find out if the radioactive iodine was successful in stopping my overactive thyroid and in 2 weeks I'm looking forward to taking meds to get my metabolism back to "normal". In the meantime, I'm making the effort to make better eating choices, to eat healthier and to start walking.
Here's my dream board... and the photo links are listed below. If you want to explore making your own dream board, please pop over to Jamie Ridler's Studio located at: http://jamieridlerstudios.ca/
1. Recipe: Mini Crescent Chicken Pot Pies, 2. Corn Moon 1, 3. Pumpkin-Citrus Cake, 4. Buddha in my Mind - B3, 5. Pumpkin Grinch, 6. Healthy Eating, 7. Autumn Walk, 8. Autumn Walk II, 9. Buddha is a Bridge
Jamie Ridler states, "This Full Moon is in Aries, a great time to start taking inspired action towards your dreams! Look at your dreamboard and consider, what is it inviting me to do? What actions can I take to honour what I see? This isn’t about ’shoulds’ or getting heavy with your dreams. It’s about bringing a spirit of action and adventure to them! You’ve created a board with what you want more of, so invite it in! It can be as easy as saying, “Yes, I will wear more red this month!” or “I will go for a brisk walk and enjoy the crisp air” or “I will take pictures of autumn leaves.” Embrace your dreams with love and action – and they will do the same with you!"
Since we had such a hot and humid summer I've been looking forward to Autumn's arrival. And now that it has arrived I don't want to overlook it or find myself in December wondering where Autumn went.
I want to take walks in Autumn's beauty, to smell the leaves, to hear the leaves crunch underfoot. I want to enjoy the colors of Autumn. It's in Autumn that I bake and share what I have baked with my friends. To be Autumn is a cozy, family and friend time, when we begin to get quiet, to reflect, to take stock... and I want to be awake to enjoy it.
I also want to be mindful of my spiritual journey and my journey back to health. In two weeks I'll find out if the radioactive iodine was successful in stopping my overactive thyroid and in 2 weeks I'm looking forward to taking meds to get my metabolism back to "normal". In the meantime, I'm making the effort to make better eating choices, to eat healthier and to start walking.
Here's my dream board... and the photo links are listed below. If you want to explore making your own dream board, please pop over to Jamie Ridler's Studio located at: http://jamieridlerstudios.ca/
1. Recipe: Mini Crescent Chicken Pot Pies, 2. Corn Moon 1, 3. Pumpkin-Citrus Cake, 4. Buddha in my Mind - B3, 5. Pumpkin Grinch, 6. Healthy Eating, 7. Autumn Walk, 8. Autumn Walk II, 9. Buddha is a Bridge