The Gift of a Day - Day 18 of Giving Thanks

I'm so grateful for the gift of another day.  This gift of 24 hours is so precious.  Only you can decide what you will do with it.

It can be the start of a new venture in your life; the day of perfect timing.  It can also be the day a dream is realized, a day overflowing with accomplishment.

It can also be a day when you connect with a loved one and let them know what they have meant to you.

Wouldn't today be a great day to forgive yourself or someone else?  The day you decide to drop the baggage that holds you back?

Or what about spending the day being nice to planet Earth.  The home that has sustained you and everyone else?

It can also be the day you spend hours on Facebook, harvesting non-existent crops, chasing ghosts, or playing slots.

But never forget this is your gift.  Your decision to spend the next 24 hours anyway you like and I hope you're grateful for the opportunity to have them.


Patty said…
I've liked all of your blog post about being thankful. You need to compile them all into a small paper back, have it printed and give to family members for Christmas. It makes for some very nice reading. You also should think about writing a book of some sort, on what ever tickles your fancy. Love you! Mom

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