Quiche Lorraine

The other day I watched Rachel Khoo make a Quiche Lorraine.  Now I've never made one before but I love to eat them.  Could it really be as easy as she made it look?

Watch Rachel

Anyway, today I decided to make a Quiche.  And I must say it was pretty dang good.

The recipe I used tonight can be found HERE

I used a frozen pie crust from Marie Callendar (sp?).  That was the only deviation from the recipe.


Jackie said…
Thank you for including the link for the recipe.
This looks scrumptious, Lisa.
Patty said…
I like Quiche but no on else around here seems to like it.
Melinda said…
I LOVE quiches and was making them all the time there for awhile...this looks good Angie!

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