10/13 - Trees and Mrs. Porter

We all have teachers that were important in our life.  Mrs. Margaret Porter was my 7th and 8th grade English teacher.  I also worked for her in high school when she became the librarian for Brookville High School.
Mrs. Porter loved poetry and we had to memorize a lot of poems.  This is a poem I remember from 7th grade.  And yesterday when I was at Woodland Cemetery, marveling at the size of the trees, and how the sunlight was shining through the leaves, I thought of Mrs. Porter and one of the poems she shared with us.  Now I share it with you.


I think that I shall never see 
A poem lovely as a tree. 

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest 
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast; 

A tree that looks at God all day, 
And lifts her leafy arms to pray; 

A tree that may in summer wear 
A nest of robins in her hair; 

Upon whose bosom snow has lain; 
Who intimately lives with rain. 

Poems are made by fools like me, 
But only God can make a tree. 

Joyce Kilmer


Jackie said…
So nice that you remember your teacher and what she meant to you....
And...the photo of the tree.
Did you take that?
It's beautiful!
Angie at Home said…
Yes, I took the photo yesterday at Woodland Cemetery.. around 4:30 in the afternoon.
Jackie said…
Great job on the photo!
The colors of your leaves are lovely.

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