July 19th

We have had some amazing weather this past week in Ohio.  Normally July is hot and humid and I tend to stay inside.  However, the temps have ranged around 71 degrees to 79 degrees with no humidity and nice cool breezes.

I sort of wish summer could remain just like this but watching the forecast last night, rain and humidity is heading our way, along with higher temperatures.

It really is hard to believe it's July 19th.  Time is flying by.  It's also hard to believe Grandma has been gone almost two months.  I can't even begin to tell you how much I miss her.

Does anyone know what type of flower this is?  It's huge and stands by my neighbor's house.  I'm not sure if it's a weed gone wild or if it's an actual flower.

Well need to get off the computer, take a shower and get out in the world.  Hope you have a super Saturday.  By the way QVC is doing Christmas in July with some pretty incredible deals.   Byeeeeee.


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