Today - I Eat the World

I almost didn't want to eat this egg because it was so beautiful.  It reminded me of a globe.  We had fun on Saturday doing "tie-dye" eggs.  This also has a little glitter on it.

Now I don't like a cold boiled egg, so I popped him in a glass of hot water.  The dye actually runs off so I'm not worried about bad chemicals seeping into my body.

What did you have for breakfast?  I'm not a breakfast eater but my dietitian is really pushing me to eat something for breakfast.  Can you give me some suggestions?


Melinda said…
eat that egg! Eat eggs, maybe a slice of toast with it...I know you like bacon...but not a great choice ...I do more protein for breakfast but I will do carbs sometimes as it is best to do those in the morning....though protein sticks with me longer...any protein is good..grilled chicken even (I also do not limit myself to just breakfast food for breakfast) but I eat breakfast every day

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