Saturday - A Progressive Euchre Party

Last night, Bev hosted a Progressive Euchre Party. I really enjoyed playing euchre this way because you don't end up with just 1 partner but all 7 at some point during the night. You keep score and whoever has the most points at the end of the night wins.

We all made yummy snacks... and I did consume a lot of fruity tequila inspired adult beverages.

Bev has a huge backyard and a big swimming pool. I naturally brought my camera and only was able to capture two shots before my batteries died. Damn... I'm always forgetting to charge my batteries before I leave home.

Hair Update: I said goodbye to the summer blonde and red highlights. My hair is now a deep chocolate brown with chunky jet black highlights. It kind of freaks me out when I look in the mirror.... I mean my hair is darker than its been for years. Once I charge the old batteries I'll post a picture.

So... below is one picture I took of Bev's backyard.

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Melinda said…
yeah anxious to see the hair!

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