Halloween Treats

It's 12:30 on the morning of Halloween. I'm packaging up the treats I made for coworkers and friends.

I made traditional popcorn balls and placed them in green monster bags.

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I also made a new recipe I discovered from a Martha Stewart show last week. It's call Sweet and Spicy Popcorn Crunch and can be found at this link: http://www.marthastewart.com/portal/site/mslo/menuitem.fc77a0dbc44dd1611e3bf410b5900aa0/?vgnextoid=83b7623d013d5110VgnVCM1000003d370a0aRCRD&autonomy_kw=popcorn%20crunch&rsc=ns2006_m1

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I'm going to package the crunch in little skeleton head bags.

Then... it's off to bed. Night Night


Melissa said…
The sweet and spicy popcorn crunch looks yummy!

Happy Halloween!
Patty said…
It all looks good. I think I have eaten more pop corn plain and covered with something just in the last few weeks then I have for the past year. But they say all that roughage is good for the system.
xxxxx said…
Hope you had a fun Halloween! Blessings,
Melinda said…
all looks great and I love the packaging too!
Debby Winters said…
mmmmm Your popcorn looks delicious!

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