Day 23 of the 28-Day Meditation Challenge.

The last five days I've been more focused on my meditation practice, mainly due to Winter Training that is now going on at the Buddhist training center that I attend.

This time has allowed me to begin to set goals for this year's spiritual practice. Gratitude, compassion and gaining a global perspective keeps popping up in my mind and I'm looking forward to seeing how these items will play out this year.

This time has also allowed me to get quiet and to focus my awareness. It's amazing things we can discover about ourselves when she just get quiet and listen.

I'm getting so many good vibes from this experience, I plan to make this 28-day Meditation Challenge an annual event. What a great way to start a new year.

Thanks so much for Janice Lundy for hosting this wonderful experience over at: Awake is Good . It's not too late to begin your challenge... please drop over to Jan's site and check it out.


kate i said…
Hi Angie, yes, I was doing the meditation challenge with Jan and found it very helpful. I'm traveling right now and finding that keeping to a "practice" difficult at times so I appreciated the daily check in. How wonderful for you that you have a Buddhist training center close by.

Thanks for stopping by to say was good to connect with you again.

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