No Meat??

Looking for ideas from you my lovelies on vegetarian meals. Hubby is having a difficult time eating meat and I do tend to fall back on chicken almost every night. Since watching "Food" I've been struggling with the production of meat in America and my role in being a consumer. Plus with my heart issues, I just think more meatless meals would be healthier.

Do you have a vegetarian dish that you just love? Can you share it with me?

I have tried some recipes in the past, but my son usually took a bite and went to the pantry to find something else to eat. He's picky about veggies, spices and textures. But almost 19, and with his current work schedule, I figure on the nights he works we could experiment with meatless meals.

Can't wait to hear from you....


Wanda said…
I just made this recipe on Monday and it went over pretty well. :) Good Luck.
Angie at Home said…
Hey thanks Wanda... I'll go check it out.

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