The Anniversary Bowl

My Grandparents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in 1976.  I was 20 years old.  They had a "ruby" celebration and I purchased this red Fenton bowl as an anniversary present.  

It sat for years on the middle of my grandparent's table filled with plastic fruit.  And then several years ago Grandma gave it back to me.  She started returning items from her house to the person who had given them to her.

Now the bowl sits in my house, normally on my baker's shelf.  But this year during the Christmas season, I filled it with sparkly ornaments.

Normally I'm not a collector of glass bowls or decorative pieces, but I do love looking at this bowl, remembering time spent at my Grandparent's house.  The bowl is filled with memories.  And now it's even making more.

This bowl has been a part of our family for 36 years.  And if it survives, I will pass it on to Alex.  And hopefully he will look at it and remember.


Patty said…
Nice post.
Jackie said…
The bowl is beautiful...and how wonderful that you shared it with her and now you have it and the memories along with it.
I love the ornaments that you put in it for Christmas. It's is this blog.
Sending you hugs and smiles, my friend.

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